Your resume is an efficient way of focusing on your qualifications to a potential employer. Having a powerful resume can improve your chances of securing a role over other candidates.
What is important to include? Here are our tips in increasing your chances of getting to the top of the pile and securing your dream role:
Detail required for your Tickets, Licences and previous roles Experience
When you're applying for a role within Mergent, we make it clear in our adverts for what we are looking for.
If we ask for certain tickets, please ensure that you refer to these in your resume and/or cover letter. The more detail on your skills and experience the better. If you don't have the required skills and experience, unfortunately you may not get a look-in, however if you are entry-level please include a cover letter, highlighting your motivation for the role.
Design of your resume
It is important that you have a friendly design, one that is easy to read. Ensure that you have an up-to-date resume, with current employment. Spend some time getting your application right to increase your chance of securing that mining role you've been wanting.
How often should you update your resume?
It is important to get into the habit of regularly updating your resume. If you keep your resume up-to-date, when you do want to find a new position there is no risk that you will forget key points of previous roles. Regularly updating your resume can make you more aware of any skills or experience gaps you may need to take the next step in your career and move to a new role.
Our Recruitment Specialists may as you general interview questions about yourself and your interests to learn more about your personality. The answers you give will help us assess whether you may be a good fit for the position and the companies culture.
Some general questions you may be asked during an interview:
Keep in mind that these are general questions, and your interviewer may ask some more in-depth questions which are job specific. It is always good to prepare with general questions.
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